Well, it seems that I am a bit of a failure at blogging. Looking back at 2009, I notice that my blogging lasted a total of 3 months into the year. It's just like when I used to keep a diary. From ages 11-17 I would faithfully write in my diary (which I had named "Jim") for entire days at a time before laying it aside for a year or so. I wrote when I was feeling particularly angry or diligent or clever. Sometimes when I was poetic. (Three cheers for teenage angst!) Often, when I was heart sick. I'm not sure why I even bother to come back to the blog. I have a real problem with follow-through.
Maybe it's because I'm nearing my 3rd decade, maybe it's because I've decided to be more disciplined in 2010, or maybe it's my recent viewing of Julie & Julia, but I've decided to write in my blog weekly in 2010. You heard me. Weekly.
My cousin (also known as Julie or Julia, as it happens) is part of a group on flickr that is doing a self-portrait for every day of the year. Seeing as she is lovely and a talented photographer, this makes sense. As I am considered photogenic by others, and known to be excessively narcissistic, I might throw in a few self-portraits throughout the blog. (Also, I got a new camera for Christmas. Hurrah!)
Also, I am making public my vow to live healthier in 2010. I would like to lose at least 30 lbs by the time I'm 30. (I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!) Tomorrow, after I babysit my lovely niece, I am going to come home and blow the dust off the Wii Fit.
In short, my goals for 2010 are to be better disciplined in the following areas:
1. Daily devotions
2. Consumption of less sugar and fat
3. Increase in physical activity
4. Household organization
5. Laundry (this deserves a separate listing from the rest of the household items)
6. Thriftier living (i.e. cut down on the impulse buys and daily mochas{see #2})
7. Blogging (writing out my daily life tends to hold me a bit more accountable, even if it's only me reading my blog!)
So wish me luck, friends and neighbors. Check in with me to see how I'm coming on my goals. Feel free to hold me accountable to said goals (bearing in mind that I am a crankypants who doesn't appreciate interfering busybodies).
you can do it!! think of your goals as daily ones so you can meet them the next day if you fail..